Big Boyz Head Porting  


To access the webcam click on the link above. It will require installing an active x control so you can control the camera. IE is also a requirement.

How it works ...
Install the active x
Hit the ENTER button on the page
Click on the control button
You will have exclusive control for 2 minutes
There is a count down timer telling you how much time is left
There are presets you can choose from to aim the camera
Or you can click "Pan/Tilt" and control the camera (very sensitive)
Or click anywhere in the video window and it will point the camera at that spot.

There is a Zoom slider bar under the picture.

There is audio too, if you have speakers and want to listen make sure they are turned on. WARNING about the audio ... we always have music playing. Some (most) of the music is hard and contains explicit language. There is a volume control and mute button under the video window to control the sound. When we are running a bike on the Dyno, you will not be able to hear music !!

The Camera is on 24 hours a day and so is the music.

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