Big Boyz Head Porting  


I have a 1981 FXS. The bike will vibrate the teeth out of you. I love my bike and ride it but it is time for something a little more forgiving on the hands and feet. Now don't get me wrong, the 81 FXS is going no where.

I started looking for a bike project. I wanted one that would be a little out of the norm. I considered a Dyna Twin Cam since I wanted a rubber mount with some rid-ability. Also considered a Road King TC but it just wasn't what I was looking for.

I want all the technological advancements those bikes offered but something different. And for some reason, as much as I have tried, I just don't see a Twin Cam in my future.

I decided on a 82 or 83 FXR and found a 83 FXRT, first year touring. I have not seen the bike in person but it's mine. It will be 4-6 weeks before I take a road trip to pick it up.

I have LOTS planned for her and will document it all in this thread as time goes on. It will not be the same bike at this time next year.

I have many plans for this bike as I have mentioned above. For the last couple months I have been collecting parts for its transformation. Today the front end I plan to use came in. Unfortunately it sustained a little damage to the adjusters. The repair parts are on order.

The 39mm front end is off a 2001-2002 Dyna Sport. It has adjustable dampening and dual disc late style 4 piston calipers. It should be a significant improvement over the stock 35mm.

One of my goals with this bike is to stay with all stock HD parts.

The guy I purchased the front end from polished everything.

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