Big Boyz Head Porting  


We are enclosing the center of the swingarm and hiding all the electronics inside. Including the ignition module, rear brake switch, ignition switch, circuit breakers and relays. I made all the covers out of stainless and they will be polished to a mirror finish like the oil tank and battery box. I will post pics of the covers when they are polished.

Splash gaurd after tacking the sides on.

Splash gaurd test fitted in swingarm.

Front swingarm covers

This is the electrical compartment in the swingarm. you can see the brake switch. Above it is a mark where the ignition switch is going.

I finished polishing the swing arm covers today. When I made them I evidently forgot to put a hole in for the ignition switch, took care of that today before polishing. Not so bad if it were a round hole but this has two flat sides to lock the switch from turning.

Here are the 3 finished swingarm covers/splash gaurd/electrical compartment. The tools were left in the pictures to show the reflection of the polishing.

Bottom swingarm cover (left), Splash gaurd (center), Top swingarm cover (right)

Splash gaurd

Top and bottom swingarm covers, ignition switch, and brake line hole.

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